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Memperbaiki Driver WiFi Adapter RTL8188CUS di Beaglebone Black

WiFi Beaglebone

Untuk proyek yang akan saya bangun berikutnya, saya membutuhkan koneksi wireless dari Laptop ke modul Beaglebone Black (BBB). Kebetulan saya membeli WiFi dongle dari Waktu itu saya membelinya tanpa melihat detil spesifikasi teknisnya, kalau dari judulnya perangkat ini bisa digunakan untuk Raspberry Pi dan lainnya termasuk Beaglebone. Read More

Internet Connection on Beaglebone over USB

Sometimes, we meet a condition that forced us to have an internet connection to our Beaglebone Black (BBB), such as updating OS package, upgrading OS package, or even a program installation. BBB has an useful feature to get an internet connection through USB port. The idea is to share/forward our laptop’s internet connection to our BBB through USB cable instead of ethernet cable. Here is the tutorial to get an internet connection to our BBB. Read More

USB Led Demo using ADB20 V1.0


This project is based on AVR309: USB to UART Protocol Converter, the ATMEL application note written by Ing. Igor Cesco from Slovakia. This document implement the functions of Direct I/O control, USB to RS232 Converter and EEPROM scratch register, and it can be develop by user to implement other function like USB A/D Converter in other way we can build a Small USB Thermometer (I’ll build soon…). Read More